Nashville High School’s New Athletic Storage Solution Becomes a Star in its own Right
While Friday night football is a fact of life in high schools across the country, it is a special tradition in the South. That is certainly true at Nashville’s Brentwood High School. Striving for excellence is in its DNA. In an effort to both improve its football equipment storage area and inject a bit of added enthusiasm to its program, boosters and administrators decided to invest their valuable time and money in an upgrade. Just as schools look to bring in the area’s best players to help improve the team, so Brentwood recruited Patterson Pope to help bring its vision to fruition.
When one of the largest high schools in Nashville, Tennessee considered what it could do to upgrade its football teams’ athletic equipment storage, Equipment Manager Gabriel Evans took to the Internet. While browsing photos of renovations done for other high school and university athletics programs, he discovered the possibilities offered by Patterson Pope. With a plan in hand, the financial support of the school’s booster club, and the ready assistance of professional space planners, a winning game plan came together.
Winning football coaches know that it’s not always the size of the player; sometimes, it’s the talent you’re able to bring out of him. Brentwood’s equipment storage took up two rooms – one dedicated to uniforms and loose items, and the other to storing more than 300 sets of shoulder pads. With expansion of the space not an option, Equipment Manager and offensive line coach Gabriel Evans worked with Patterson Pope to help outfit both areas with sophisticated storage solutions that not only improved how the areas looked and were used, but in fact created additional free space that could be shared with trainers and other team staff.
“The students think [the new athletic storage] looks more like a college setup. They take pride knowing that their stuff looks great, is super organized and clean. I like them feeling that they’re being taken care of and that we’re doing things the right way.”
- Gabriel Evans, equipment manager, coach and teacher at Brentwood High School