Smarter Device Management with Smart Exchange Lockers

Enable students, faculty, and staff to seamlessly pick up, drop off, and exchange tablets, laptops, and other electronics with smart exchange lockers. These safe, secure locker banks create a new level of convenience and a streamlined experience for your entire organization.


The smart locker experts

Patterson Pope has been in the storage game for a long time. It only makes sense that we are at the forefront of smart exchange locker technology. Our expertise lies in evolving space and thoughtfully designing solutions that create frictionless user experiences for students, teachers, and administrators alike. Smart lockers for the exchange of goods are reimagined and streamlined for the modern school IT department. 

Stay with us to keep learning about smart exchange locker technology and how it can work for you, with you.



Exchange of goods lockers are a simple way for teachers, staff, and students to drop off and pick up their electronic equipment for their classes. They're also a great way for the IT staff to manage repair and exchange of devices. Exchange of goods lockers create an added convenience and streamlined experience for the entire organization.


Device Check-Out/Check-In

With our exchange of goods lockers, we can turn the check-in/check-out of devices process into a streamlined one that ensures that whenever a student or staff member needs to check out equipment, IT staff will be ready for them. Allocate lockers for your specific equipment, such as laptops, tablets, keyboards, monitors, and more. When a student or staff need to check out equipment, they notify IT staff about their needs. A simple temporary assignment of the locker with the device that is needed and a 4-digit PIN or QR code is made and when convenient the device will be ready for pick up.

Students or staff enter their 4-digit PIN or present their QR code to the reader and the locker door with the equipment they need will pop open. Upon returning the device, they repeat the process and IT will be notified that the device has been returned and ready for the next check-in.

Broken Device Exchange

The process of checking out a device and returning it at the end of the day is just as seamless as receiving a loaner device while your own is being fixed.

After notifying IT of their broken device, the student or staff member can register their drop-off of the device at the touchscreen. Once deposited IT staff is notified and will be able to retrieve the broken device from the locker bank to begin repair. At the time of notification, they can also assign a loaner device for the student or staff to pick up for use. 

Once fixed, IT staff will deposit into the locker bank, and as easy as that — the student or staff member is notified via email when the device is ready for pick-up.



Ultimate Flexibility

The functionality of smart exchange lockers doesn’t stop at broken device exchange or check-in/ check-out. Use smart exchange lockers for the drop off of confidential paperwork or as a way for parents to drop off materials to their children or their children’s teacher. The flexibility and creativity of use cases is endless. These lockers can be used for needs stretching far beyond just IT equipment exchange.


Custom Design

Within a locker bank, there can be several sizes of openings meaning that lockers can be configured to have the perfect size of locker opening for every device. Having a range of locker opening sizes, suited to your unique IT department’s needs, allows for maximum capacity within a given footprint — say goodbye to one size fits all. For added personalization, a custom graphic wrap can feature a school’s colors, logo, or mascot. With school pride expressed throughout your hallways, don’t let your bank of lockers be an exception.


What it looks like to partner with Patterson Pope:


We tailor your experience right from the very beginning. As we introduce you to exchange of goods lockers, we provide you with demos and highlight the main features and differentiators of the smart lockers.


Understanding the specific use cases means we can customize the exchange of goods lockers to your specific needs. This includes floor plans, requirements, RFID/ Phone App specifics, and more to provide the best solution for you.


When it comes to installation, know you are in good hands before it even starts. Our trained staff includes a team to install the physical lockers and a technical team to ensure your new lockers are operational and up to your standards.


We take pride in our partnerships and promise to be there every step of the way. We are there through and through to ensure the smart exchange lockers are functioning as we discussed. This means making modifications along the way as your needs change and as we learn new ways to use the lockers, enhanced training, and upgraded support.
