Solving STUFF problems is all we think about

For over 50 years, we've been committed to helping organizations fight the tyranny of STUFF. After all, there is only so much space and an ever-growing amount of STUFF. And in our commitment to helping in this fight, we believe in doing it the right way and standing behind what we do. As a 100% employee-owned business, that matters to ALL of us!
Years in business
Problems solved
We keep things simple. We tell the truth, keep our word, and do the right thing - because it's simpler that way. People like us, trust us and buy from us because we are free from guile. We work hard, we have fun, then go home to our families. We keep things simple.
We take the complicated and make it simple. Your records, your stuff, your space - all simplified. If it's in your organization and you can touch it, we help you store it, track it and retrieve it using less space and time than you ever thought possible.

Our history

Patterson Pope History - 1970

In 1972, Patterson Business Systems (PBS) set out on a noble quest to help the good people of North Carolina store and organize file folders filled with very important paper.

Patterson Pope History - 1994

By 1994, it seemed that paper was winning the battle with local organizations. PBS, now headquartered in Charlotte, fought back with a new ownership group.

Patterson Pope History - 2000

As the 20th Century came to a close, PBS planted a flag in Roanoke, as word had come down across the border that paper also had its grips in Virginia.

Patterson Pope History - 2004

With the acquisition of J.E. Pope Company in 2004, a new name emerged - Patterson Pope. By adding offices South Carolina, a new front against untamed information was established.

Patterson Pope History - 2006

As paper continued its problematic ways, a new culprit entered the scene - STUFF. In response, Patterson Pope opened a 92,000 square-foot facility in Charlotte in 2006 to house our command center.

Patterson Pope History - 2007

In 2007, with the acquisition of United Business Systems, the battle against the tyranny of STUFF emerged in Florida.

Patterson Pope History - 2011

STUFF was put on notice in Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia in 2011, when Central Business Group was acquired.

Also in 2011, Patterson Pope launched their content services division, FileSolve, to help tame the proliferation of digital STUFF.

Patterson Pope History - 2012-13

The acquisition of Walter Hopkins (in 2012) and Southern Business Systems (in 2013) meant we'd take the fight to STUFF problems in Georgia and Alabama.

Patterson Pope History - 2020

In 2020, Patterson Pope became an ESOP – 100% employee-owned business.

Patterson Pope History - 2021+

Westward expansion in 2021 led to tussles with STUFF in Arkansas and Mississippi.

What will the future hold for Patterson Pope? It's hard to say, but rest assured that as STUFF changes its manner of mischief, we'll be changing our tactics to keep it in line.

Patterson Pope History - 2021+
We’ve finally reached our quinquaginta year (aka 50)
Fifty extremely long years ago, there was no internet, cable television, or Takis® chips. But yes, there were STUFF problems. Our fearless founders started this company with nothing more than a hope, a prayer, and a single manila folder. Since that fateful day, we’ve come a long, long way.

Six things that Drive Us

All that passion has to come from somewhere. So what makes us…us? It’s more than just office space (no pun intended) and coffee breaks. We’re powered by a unique mix of expert knowledge, a vibrant culture, and deep-rooted values.

Bottom Line: We’re in it for the long haul, ready to support, innovate, and ensure your projects surpass expectations – to be part of your family (minus the awkward holiday dinners.)

1. Our Creed

Our Purpose & Our Passion

Think about our creed as our collective brain’s operating system, a set of down-to-earth principles designed to keep us anchored, focused, and ahead of the curve (because who likes being average?)

It’s our version of “how to be awesome at work” – no jargon, just good old-fashioned doing the right thing.

Learn More Here
2. Being all for one

We’re 100% Employee-Owned

Technically, all our staff meetings are ownership conventions. That’s because our Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) means every one of us is an owner.

For us, going the extra mile isn’t extra – it’s expected. Expect us to be on our A-Game, because the buck stops with…well, us!

3. Paying it forward

Giving Back Is in Our DNA

We engage in triple-layered community outreach through our P2 Gives Back program:

Our employees can personally volunteer time for causes close to their hearts; the entire organization volunteers in corporate give-back workdays, and we financially support worthy causes in our community.

4. Sustainable Practices

Lean mean green machines!

We think about our carbon footprint like it’s a muddy boot in a clean hallway. From local sourcing to innovations that reduce waste, we meticulously select solution providers who prioritize sustainable practices.

When it comes to sustainability, we’re not just talking the talk – we’re walking the walk.

5. Watching out for us all

Beyond Hard Hats

Our safety philosophy is simple - safety is essential and non-negotiable. We empower each of our employees to become safety superstars and champions of safe practices.

That’s because a safe environment is a productive environment – and to us, a day without incident is like Patterson Pope poetry in motion.

Learn More Here
6. Partnering with the best

Elite Solutions to Our Partners

By building deep, lasting connections with everyone involved in our projects we create a community of collaboration.

We partner with best-in-class providers and bringing them to our clients’ doorstep. From there, we mix in our special blend of planning and installation awesomeness, building the foundation for long-term relationships.


So there you have it, the Patterson Pope Universe in a nutshell – equal parts hearts, smarts, and safety charts.

Stick with us, and we’ll do more than just optimize your space. We’ll fill it with innovation and integrity. (And a few good laughs.)

Word on the street...

"Much respect for Patterson Pope's professionalism..."

Christina Eaton, Associate Principal Librarian, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

"We have so much respect for Patterson Pope's professionalism. Everyone there always extended a listening ear and valuable advice when we needed it."

Christina Eaton, Associate Principal Librarian, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra

"Patterson Pope took a holistic approach..."

Bob Motta,

"Patterson Pope took a holistic approach. They were very flexible and were really easy to work with. They delivered."

Bob Motta,

"Patterson Pope offered creative solutions..."

Larry Lindberg,
Baker Hostetler

"Sometimes you get the impression that vendors want to sell you stuff only because it's the stuff they sell. But Patterson Pope offered creative solutions and types of products that we really hadn't considered."

Larry Lindberg,
Baker Hostetler

"They are consultants, and that makes a big difference..."

Duncan Alford, Associate Dean USC School of Law and Director, Law Library

"It's readily apparent that Patterson Pope does so much more than just provide a product. They are consultants, and that makes a big difference."

Duncan Alford, Associate Dean USC School of Law and Director, Law Library

"...great about sharing insights they've gained from other jobs..."

Dan Rodriguez, Warehouse Supervisor, Orange County Facilities Management

"Patterson Pope has been really great about sharing insights they've gained from other jobs, and that's been helpful. It shows that they're focused on solutions."

Dan Rodriguez, Warehouse Supervisor, Orange County Facilities Management

"They were responsive and so willing to be collaborative..."

Jayne Klose, Community Engagement Manager, Dayton Metro Library System

"It was a pleasure working with Patterson Pope. They were responsive and so willing to be collaborative. That meant a lot during the process."

Jayne Klose, Community Engagement Manager, Dayton Metro Library System

"I really appreciate about Patterson Pope is the turnkey nature of their work..."

David Houston, Executive Director, Bo Bartlett Center

"One of the things I really appreciate about Patterson Pope is the turnkey nature of their work. The ability to fabricate on a very custom level gave us the ability to adapt to a very difficult space."

David Houston, Executive Director, Bo Bartlett Center

"Working with Patterson Pope was a really good experience..."

Johanna Rivera-Diaz, Conservator and Collections Manager, Clemson Historic Preservation

"Working with Patterson Pope was a really good experience. Thanks to the work they did, everything fits and everything's protected. We feel good knowing we made the right decision - for us and for the collection."

Johanna Rivera-Diaz, Conservator and Collections Manager, Clemson Historic Preservation

"They really invest in the relationship..."

Sgt. Greg Horton, Mount Pleasant Police Department

"What I most appreciate is the awareness I have today that [Patterson Pope is] providing an ever-present service; they're not just selling a product. They really invest in the relationship."

Sgt. Greg Horton, Mount Pleasant Police Department


Ben Gold
President & CEO
Ben Gold, President
Jacob Townsend
Chief Financial Officer
Jacob Townsend
Chief Financial Officer
Jacob Townsend, CFO
Eric Martin
Vice President of Sales
Eric Martin
Vice President of Sales
Eric Martin, VP of Sales
Peter Jacobson
Vice President
of Operations &
Real Estate
Peter Jacobson, Vice President of Operations
Calvin James
Vice President of Marketing
Calvin James, Director of Marketing
Maria Curran
HR Director
Maria Curran, HR Director
Dan Knezevic
Senior Director
of Technology
Dan Knezevic, Senior Director of Technology Services
Dave Simons
Area Market
Director, Midwest
Dave Simmons, Regional Sales Manager, Midwest
Andy Meadows
Area Market
Director, South
Andy Meadows, Regional Sales Manager, South
Josh Kopsie
Area Market
Director, Midsouth
Josh Kopsie, Area Market Director, Midsouth
Patterson Pope

Need help in your STUFF battle?

You don’t have to suffer alone. There’s hope. Give us your basics, and we’ll have one of our freedom fighters reach out to you.

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