Lifts and Carousels

Industrial Vertical Lift

Industrial Vertical Lift

Things are looking up — literally! Take advantage of all that vertical warehouse/manufacturing space with a Hanel Lean-Lift industrial vertical storage lift.

Industries are striving for maximum efficiencies. Streamlined operating procedures, increased flexibility and lower costs are all part of the plan. The Hanel Lean-Lift vertical lift provides a warehouse organization system which reduces work-time, warehouse space and cost – giving you a problem-free work environment.

With a Lean-Lift vertical lift, you can reduce your space requirements by more than 60 percent. Utilizing the available ceiling height, the Lean-Lift stores your parts and materials on a height-optimized basis, thus avoiding wasted space. This means maximum storage capacity on a minimal footprint. In other words: you store more stuff in less space – and save money at the same time.

LeanLift-Brochure Thumbnail
Everything you need to know about Industrial Vertical Lifts!


A picture is worth a thousand storage ideas.

Automated Vertical Storage Lift
Lean Storage for Parts



These storage units spend plenty of time at the gym, so you know they can handle any manner of stuff that you need to store.

Storing things vertically just makes sense. From small parts to bulk items, optimize vertical space and improve efficiencies. It also makes it easier to access the stuff you need when you need it. Why waste time walking from shelf to shelf in a warehouse, then moving the stuff you Don’t need out of the way just so you can access the things you do need? The Lean-Lift utilizes computer-controlled access technology, making it super easy to bring the needed materials to you, instead of the other way around. It’s a simple, yet profound revolution.

Here’s another perk. The system’s controllers can be used as stand-alone inventory management system or can connect with your data systems, giving you up-to-the-second views into your inventory.


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