Athletic Modular Casework
Staying Prepared for the Next Game
Your athletes may listen for a starting horn, gun or whistle. But one thing they all have in common? The need to organize equipment, access uniforms and stow personal belongings — all of it securely. Athletic modular casework could be the game-changer you need.
Make the most of your available athletic footprint and know you can adapt as needed with:
- Laminate cabinets designed to change with you as simple cam-and-pin assembly allows for easy repairs and reconfigurations
- Modular casework comes in a range of customizable options including wall cabinets, tall cabinets, base cabinets and storage cabinets
- Shelves with drawers help you store more materials per square foot of floor space, and the modularity makes it easy to be flexible

Storage 101 – Get what you need to know to do storage right.
With Storage 101, we take the guesswork out of all the things you need to consider when planning a storage project. From different products and processes to technology influenced solutions, this may be the most definitive summary of its kind available.
Trainer/Nutrition Storage
Each athlete a trainer or nutritionist works with follows a different program. The same is true of the staffer’s storage requirements. Adapt to varied needs with modular casework.
Uniform storage
A versatile modular casework shelving installation can make access to uniforms and essential items easier and add visual impact to impress team members and incoming recruits.
Equipment maintenance
Add to the pride people take in your athletics by providing organized, accessible storage. Improving space use also offers more room to maneuver and eases ergonomic concerns.
Staff workstations
Improve staff experience with visually appealing and space-saving modular storage. Each individual can customize their space with the easy-to-adapt casework solution.

Modular Cabinets in Basketball Equipment Storage Room