Active File Management | Patterson Pope

Active File Room Management

Leave your files to us and get some real work done.

File management is most likely a big part of your business. But, it is the best use of your time -- or your employees' time?

All companies have records that need to be accessed on a regular basis, whether those are physical, digital or a hybrid of both. Managing active files often requires the right expertise, practices and space -- resources that not all companies have, or have one more than the other. This can lead to strain on employees, and ultimately the bottom line for your business.

If it seems like your paperwork is getting in the way of more important -- and profitable -- tasks, let us help. Outsourcing the management of your active files to our team of experts will help you save time and help your team focus on the things that really matter.

How We Help

Having us take care of your active files -- whether it's taking your files to one of our off-site storage facilities or bringing our file management specialists to your facility to manage your files on-site, can:

Increase Security

Security is a major challenge when it comes to active file management -- specifically with physical files. Just one lost, stolen or damaged file can have repercussions for a business -- placing and storing confidential paper documents in cabinets, everyone has access to, leaves them vulnerable to tampering. We can refine your on-site security process, or we can move your active files to our off-site facility and manage them there.
Increase Security

Maximize Efficiency

An important part of maintaining critical information is that you must have your information stored, accessible when needed and viewable to only authorized employees. If this seems too overwhelming due to lack of time, or too many places where your files are stored, we can streamline this process -- making the process easier for your company all while protecting vital information.
Maximize Efficiency

Reduce Costs

When you outsource your file management, you make it possible for other staff members to be more productive -- they can concentrate on why you hired them, as they can stay focused on their core roles and responsibilities. And, our expertise in both physical and digital files means that you're also saving money there, too -- no need to hire two different companies to manage your files and improve your processes at the same time.
Reduce Costs
Active File Management | Patterson Pope

Off-Site Active File Management

It’s often assumed that files are more secure when they’re on-site at a company rather than stored off-site. In our experience, it’s actually more of a risk to store your documents in-house, as there’s typically less security and surveillance set up for document management, and records facilities often aren’t climate-controlled or fireproof.

Physical & Digital

We play in both worlds -- so at the beginning of your journey, we can work with you to design a seamless workflow that will mean a happy workflow for you, your employees, and those you serve.

Our Services:

  • Secure off-site storage
  • File indexing
  • Retention inventory management
  • Records retrieval and delivery
  • End-of-life file destruction
  • Climate control
  • Fire protection
  • Digital surveillance
  • Access control and monitoring
Patterson Pope

Need help in your STUFF battle?

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