ECM | Patterson Pope

Enterprise Content Management

Organized content + streamlined processes = business success.

The digital transformation of many companies has come faster — and more furious — than anyone expected.

This is due, in large part, to COVID-19 and the need to quickly pivot to making business work -- from home. Businesses have had to create new processes and systems on the fly, and quickly get up to speed with new technologies that will ensure they can keep operations running smoothly, no matter where the office happens to be.

Now that you and your employees have worked out the kinks with the video conferencing software, it's a great time to review your processes around content management. An enterprise content management (ECM) system can make it easy for you and your team to capture information, easily access documents, store them appropriately and quickly deliver the right content to the right people when they need it.

ECM | Patterson Pope

What can a ECM do for you?

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Benefits of an ECM system

We often get asked, "why is enterprise content management (ECM) so important?" There are plenty of reasons -- here are a few:

Risk be gone

Financial fraud and data breaches have become all too common with businesses of all sizes. Having an ECM system decreases organizational risk
Risk Be Gone

Always within reach

Using data and business intelligence has become key for organizations, as they often use that data to guide business decisions. An ECM system makes that data easy to access
Always within reach

Front and center

Paper documents are becoming less common, and new digital content forms are emerging every day. ECM systems save time and increase productivity because all the content is in one place
Front and center

Get'er done

Employees waste valuable time doing the same tasks over and over. An ECM system can automate repetitive tasks, leaving more time for high-value work
Decrease the Get'er done for Storage Space

OnBase: Our ECM Partner

Patterson Pope's team of seasoned consultants -- and our partnership with OnBase, the leading solution in enterprise content management (ECM), provides a solid foundation for your business optimization.
Document Capture
Centralize the capture and storage of all documentation – from scanning paper files to capturing email content.
Enterprise Document Management
Find critical documents you need quickly and easily.
Automating Processes
Optimize repeatable business processes and automative repetitive tasks, saving time and money.
Route documents to the right person at the right time with using customized workflows.
Electronic Signature Solutions
Automate the process to digitally sign documents and securely route them to the right recipients.
Document Generation and Distribution
Use captured data to achieve efficient document distribution outside – and inside – your company.
Records Management
Help your organization manage retention plans and provide multiple destruction options for obsolete files.
Application Integration
OnBase integrates with over 500 business applications – allowing companies to focus on improving business processes.
WHY ECM | Patterson Pope

Why ECM?

Many areas of business -- contracts management, human resources, accounts payable and accounts receivable -- directly benefit from an enterprise content management system.

Contracts get signed, decisions get made, invoices get paid and employees get hired. All of it gets done faster, easier, and with more security rather than stringing a variety of ad-hoc processes together.

Gap Analysis

Our first step is an upfront, complementary assessment that identifies the current-state problems -- and future-state solutions -- needed to modernize your process.

Prototype Review

Working in two-week sprints, we demo the system with you, obtaining your feedback to design the next iteration based on discovered needs.

Build & Support

We continue to build out the solution based on additional feedback while providing you and your team support, training and change management assistance.
Patterson Pope

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