A modular drawer combines shelving with drawers, improving security, convenience, and space efficiency

Modular Drawer and Receding Door Systems combine the accessibility and security of filing cabinets with the space efficiency of open high-density shelving to store more materials per square foot of floor space. Increase your storage capacity even more by using our shelf with drawers on Spacesaver high-density mobile storage systems.

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Filing cabinets have gone the way of the typewriter or steno pool. Looking to update your storage? Download the modular storage drawer brochure to see the breadth of options for sleek, secure, space-efficient combination shelving.

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Electrical Powered Mobile Shelving System
These shelf with drawer storage systems offer the following benefits:

  • Complement your building’s interior design
  • Create a variety of storage solutions
  • Sections are available in several heights and widths
  • Receding doors are available in 16 standard sizes
  • Modular storage drawers are available in 32 standard sizes
  • Modular Drawer and Door Systems can be configured to your exact requirements
  • For the security of all stored materials, keyed locks are standard on all drawers and receding doors

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