Document and File Scanning | Patterson Pope

Accounts Payable

Document scanning expedites processing and improves visibility.

Money makes the world go around. But there's no movement if invoices are stuck in paper purgatory. Government offices know too well the challenge of process bottlenecks or vanishing critical information. Manual processes take time. Paper takes up valuable real estate. And your people are overwhelmed trying to simplify, streamline and organize all the incoming invoices. Automating the invoice management process can improve accounts payable (AP) throughput while reducing the average cost per invoice.

With AP automation you'll see:

  • Fewer errors and greater data quality
  • Improved efficiency with the invoice processing cycle powered by AI & Machine Learning
  • Reduced human interaction with each invoice
  • Greater accountability with easy, yet secure access to electronic data

Manual processes take time. Paper takes up valuable real estate. And your people are overwhelmed trying to simplify, streamline and organize all the incoming invoices. Document scanning and invoice automation expedites processing, improves visibility and improve accounts payable throughput while reducing the average processing cost per invoice.

Document and File Scanning | Patterson Pope

What can scanning do for you?

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Invoice automation advantages

By automating the invoice management process, government accounting teams can enjoy several important advantages. Leverage a centralized program to better manage your processes from purchase order to payment notification.

Improve invoice cycle time

With the benefit of invoice scanning, your team can consistently process invoices faster and more efficiently. We've seen invoice processing speed increase by as much as 5X!
Improve invoice cycle time

Reduce process costs

Not only can you reallocate accounting resources to projects more important to your office's success, but you can also take advantage of early payment discounts and eliminate vendor's late fees. Plus, document scanning saves space and helps you meet sustainability goals by reducing paper processes.
Reduce process costs

Enforce control to reduce risk

Removing manual data entry can improve data quality and reduce time spent on invoice exceptions. Automating the process also avoids lost and duplicate invoice issues while your office gains tracking capabilities to determine document handling trends.
Enforce control to reduce risk

Enhance process visibility

Foster stronger supplier relationships by ensuring vendors are paid promptly. Simplify PO and invoice reconciliation to ensure materials and supplies keep flowing as expected.
Enhance process visibility
Our Scanning Approach | Patterson Pope

Benefit from the Patterson Pope process

Patterson Pope is a professional, experienced partner with a proven track record. Benefit from our 15+ years of experience in document management and our ability to help streamline highly confidential, complex and mission critical processes.
Our team of professionals applies expertise in a wide variety of government projects when developing a customized solution to meet your needs. We are accountable to you with detailed reporting, providing full process visibility and helping you quantify cost and time savings.
The P2 Advantage begins with a gap analysis in which we meet with your people to learn your processes and determine the best methodology to complete your projects within scope and on time.

Schedule your FREE gap analysis today!

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