You + P2 = Happy Clients

How We Help A&Ds.

We think about stuff a lot. Not in the way that teenagers think about “stuff.” No, we’re concerned with the challenges that stuff creates. How to store it. How to organize it. How to make all the stuff an organization needs work well within that organization’s space. After years of thinking about and working with stuff, we’ve become very good at it. And we want to take our talent, knowledge and experience and put it to work for you.

Our goal is to be a resource and partner for the Architect and Design community. By doing what we do best, we can help you make wise choices, save you time and help you avoid pitfalls. The outcome leads to successful projects and happy clients.

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Always Choose Wisely with Patterson Pope

Always Choose Wisely

The design process is about choice. In a given project you could have hundreds, if not thousands, of options to choose from.

Finding the right floor covering, lighting fixtures or exterior finish means ruling out several others. The same is true for storage. There is no one-size-fits-all storage solution. So when it comes to handling all of the stuff (materials, supplies, inventory) that people will one day clutter your elegantly designed spaces with, there are plenty of options available.

But don’t fret. We know stuff, and we have a team of stuff storage experts at your disposal. Every day we advise, educate and make recommendations on all types of storage equipment. Maybe it’s choosing between modular casework and millwork, or high density shelving and static shelving, or rotary files and lateral cabinets.

When the need arises, we can also create a customized storage system to meet even the most unusual requests. Bottom line: from all the storage options out there, we can help you make the best storage choices for you clients.

Avoid Pitfalls with Patterson Pope

Avoid Pitfalls

Every project has setbacks. Which is another way of saying, “Stuff Happens.” These pitfalls can get pretty expensive too.

The skill is in steering clear of as many pitfalls as possible. For instance, we can help with floor load studies where results could vary substantially based on the type of media being stored; we can determine the number of rails (and correct distance between them) needed to ensure the proper operation of a mobile storage system; and we can recommend stainless steel cabinets in environments where laminate finishes just won’t stand up. We also have educational resources available to help avoid pitfalls, and you can earn AIA / CES / LU credits in the process.

Check out our list of certified classes, and schedule one that best fits your needs. In dealing with all matter of stuff, we can help you avoid a great deal of trouble. Because that’s our job — helping bring your vision to life while keeping you out of the pits.

Save Time with Patterson Pope

Save Time

Time is a valuable commodity – you probably know this better than we do. In fact, you live it every day.

When you are working to find the intersection of beauty, functionality and all of your client’s stuff, we can help. You know design. We know stuff.

When you are designing space and all the stuff that can fit in it, we can take the guesswork out and save you time. How do we do that? Well, we can eliminate some of the headaches and hassles that come with planning storage systems. We go on site and measure the lineal filing inches of the stuff that a client actually has hidden in all those file drawers, boxes and secret spots in their office.

Our design team can provide detailed floor layouts, drawings, 3D renderings and survey information that you can place into your master plans. We can provide detailed specifications, which is key in a case where a master spec may be too general, and specific product information is needed. You can also grab CAD drawings and Revit models for many of our products in our Design Tools area so you can move on to other design tasks. Saving time in dealing with storage gives you more time to focus on what really needs your attention.