Hamilton Sorter Modular Casework Catalog in Revit format

By Stuffey | January 10, 2020

Here is a quick bit of news for you. Our modular casework partner, Hamilton Sorter, now has their ModularCaseworks catalog available in Revit format. This library was created in conjunction with McGraw Hill and Andekan – the world’s leading Revit content creator whose content stands out among other providers for its high level of detail, light file size and fast performance within Revit. To learn more and to download Hamilton Sorter’s ModularCaseworks BIMs, visit:www.hamiltonsorter.com/bim_cad.asp

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About Stuffey

To say that Stuffey was made for this role would be an understatement. A life long hoarder, Stuffey understands how the Laws of Stuff can wreak havoc in the real world of an organization’s space. Now as part of his reformation, he is committed to passing on to you his secrets in our battle against the tyranny of STUFF.

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